Region Overseer Pastors - 2022

Graduates - 2021

Annual Pastors' Conference

Full Gospel Churches of Uganda

Praise the Lord Beloved,

What a privilege welcoming you to our official Website. This is our hope that all people living in our communities have an understanding of kingdom values and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Our lives are to be centred on the Gospel that is our heavenly treasure. Understand that we are shaped as we live in a Christian community and our kingdom values should include servanthood, stewardship, exhibiting a Christ-like character, demonstrating humility, forgiveness and hospitality.

Peace and Grace be increased to All.

Our Vision

A Pentecostal church that touches the world with the love of God and disciples’ believers with the goal of presenting every man perfect in Christ Jesus

Our Mission

Full Gospel Churches of Uganda exist to reach out to Uganda and the rest of the world with the love of God demonstrated in worship, evangelism, discipleship and ministering to the hurting world in the power of the Holy Spirit.

What we offer at Full Gospel Churches of Uganda

Latest News & Events

Kindness Is An Overflowing Cup

Full Gospel Churches of Uganda is committed to helping disadvantaged children who happen to be victims of...

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Village Saving and Loans Association

 Full gospel churches of Uganda organizes trainings on how to start business which empowers pastors and believers with knowledge and skills in financial literacy, business planning, and entrepreneurship.

You can make a difference

We strive to bridge the gap by blessing and supporting orphan’s and disadvantaged families from different communities, through provision of basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, education, medication among others, you can be apart of this transform drive through your support

Proverbs 22:9 He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.

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The Ministry Statistics


Regional Overseers




Health Facilities


Child Development centers

Every morning step out in faith and walk into your purposes because Faith will always lead you to a path of understanding the power of God and your existence for today.

Rev. Patton Paul Kinataama, National Overseer

full gospel churches of uganda

Meet Us

Contact Info

+256-414-540-437   +256-755-923-876

physical location

Makerere Hill Road,
Plot 55-59 Kampala, Uganda
