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Women Ministry
Full Gospel Churches Women’s Ministry
Women ministry is one of the ministries done by the Full Gospel Churches of Uganda with the aim of uplifting the lives of women socially, spiritually, economically and emotionally.
Full Gospel churches of Uganda is determined to change Women into hopeful, dependable, constructive and able citizens, capable of changing the future for themselves and others. The Programs such as women camps, women conferences and seminars, and guidance and counselling services have been designed to assist the women to grow, develop & exploit their potential.
Besides that women learn different skills like Christian child upbringing, how to intercede for their families and nation, Submissiveness ad more so the ministry caters for the vulnerable women/girls with income-generating activities such as handcrafts, liquid soap making, poultry keeping and this has enabled women come out of poverty and sustain their families.
Missions and Crusades
Missions and Crusades
One of the greatest privileges in life is to have the opportunity to carry the Gospel to the nations of the world. Taking Good News to those without hope and watching their eyes light up with the glory of God for the very first time, is simply an earth-shatteringly fulfilling and glorious moment in life! Nothing like it.
Full Gospel Churches of Uganda has been conducting Salvation/Miracle Crusades and Revivals for many years around the country using open-air meetings Many churches have been raised up from these meetings. Thousands have been saved and multitudes of miracles and healings witnessed. This is to fulfil the Great Commission to “Go and Preach with Signs Following” Mk. 16: 15-20. FGCU puts up mass crusades and small crusades.
Church Planting
The mission has planted many churches in places where gospel crusades have been conducted and also in places where the spiritual needs seem to be high.

BUWAMA FGC(Church Planting)
In Matthew: 28:19-20, Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations and teach them to do all that Jesus commanded us to do. The Greatest gift man can ever get on this earth is SALVATION. We do this in many ways and one of them is to plant churches in areas where Jesus Christ has not been preached and also in areas where there are no churches.
After the Gospel is preached to all, we give opportunities to people to REPENT of their sins and to BELIEVE in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. When they do, we disciple them and prepare them for water baptism. Then we begin to meet regularly for bible study, fellowship, worship and for developmental education.
The scriptures will never allow a newly converted person to lead a church. Therefore, we are always challenged as to who should immediately take care of these new congregations! We work with the nearby Full Gospel Church to take care of the newly established Church, sometimes we train one person in our bible schools who will stay as the first elder in the newly planted church. We take on the responsibility of supporting that local Pastor for at least 6 months to 3 years until he and the church establish their own sources of funding.
Religious hostility among the diehard religious and animistic worshipers who hate the Gospel and gospel preachers is a big challenge. In some locations, where devil-worship and witchcraft are prevalent, FGCU will first buy a piece of land there, before preaching. Then, the preaching is done and the land is used for the new church of the newly converted Christians. If the land is not purchased first, the devil-worshipers will make it very difficult once converts have been made.
In most cases, about 3 years are needed for the new, small church to be able to support its Pastor. We, therefore, pledge to support him and his family financially. FGC is also involved in the spiritual and social development of the new church during this period.
Youth Ministry
Full Gospel Churches Youths Ministry
This program was introduced by the founders of the mission and it has proved so effective with many success stories over the years. It is a life-transforming process that has helped many young people realize their full potential and live a life in its fullness while enjoying the beauty of knowing God at a tender age.
Full Gospel Churches of Uganda has the vision to raise a generation of God-fearing young people whose entire lives on earth fulfil God’s purpose for mankind. The mission diligently teaches, moulds and sensitizes the youth to be vigilant and very keen amidst the perverse and permissive societies surrounding them. In the pursuit of this vision, the mission employs several approaches such as youth camps, seminars, youth days and conferences involving teaching, discussions, presentations, competitions educative plays, video shows and gospel outreaches to reach out to the body, soul and spirit of the young people from different backgrounds and cultural settings.
This has helped many Youth to cope with the challenges of globalization characterized by drug abuse, promiscuity, ungodliness, early pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases(HIV/AIDS and other STIs) and unemployment that can affect them, spiritually, emotionally and physical growth.
Together we can support
We strive to bridge the gap by blessing and supporting orphan’s and disadvantaged families from different communities, through provision of basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, education, medication among others, you can be apart of this transform drive through your support
Proverbs 22:9 He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.